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RRI working group meeting 26th June 2023

Meeting date:

26 June, 2023 (9.30-10.30am)


Xinya You (organisor) + 10 other participants

Meeting agenda:
  • 9.30-9.50am: Self-introduction
  • 9.50-10.20: Project introduction and working group plan
  • 10.20-10.30: Q&A
Meeting notes:
  • Every group member introduced themselves at the beginning of the meeting
  • Xinya gave a presentation on project introduction and working group plan
  • We discussed the potential research impact of our working group.
    • We discussed the future academic research impact of the UK-China R&I hub and how, as a working group, we could conduct industry-oriented research and disseminate our results to a broad industry audience.
    • A question was raised by one of the members: is it possible for us, as working group members, to publish in other journals (not limited to the Journal of Contemporary Chinese Arts and the journal Design).
    • Two members suggested publishing in industry-oriented conferences and journals.
    • Xinya will discuss these ideas with Professor Hua Dong in the next working group’s meeting.
    • We will allocate 10 to 15 minutes in the next group meeting to further discuss industry impact topics, ideas and collaboration opportunities.
  • A group member asked questions about conducting student interviews. Xinya recommends networking with education working group in the future.
  • Xinya shared a Miro board with the attendees and asked everyone to answer the five questions on the board after the meeting.
    • Xinya explained that this was to allow all group members to contribute to the design of the workshop and to ensure that everyone’s input was taken into account.
    • Xinya set a two-week deadline for answering the questions (by next Friday, 7 July).
    • Xinya will share the Miro board link with all group members after the meeting.
    • A group member asked a question about the definition of “responsible research and innovation”. This was to set a common ground of understanding for our group’s topic.
    • Xinya will share an article/resource on “Responsible Research and Innovation” with all working group members via email.
    • Working group members can read the article/resource first and then answer the five questions on the Miro board.
  • Xinya will send invitations to some of the working group members to arrange 2 interviews. The interviews will be conducted in July.