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RRI Working Group 2nd online group meeting

Meeting date:

4 August 2023 (9.30-10.30am)


Xinya You, Oscar Zhou (guest) and four other attendees

Meeting agenda:
  • 9:30-10:00 am: Presentation
  • 10:00-10:30 am: Share thoughts, ideas and collaboration opportunities
Meeting notes:
  • Xinya gave a presentation on the topics below.
    • SEED Fellowship Progress Update:
      • In-person workshops: (1) Brief introduction on what happened in the in-person workshop at Brunel University on 24th (2) Information sharing about the next in-person workshops in Birmingham, Wuxi and Shanghai.
      • SEED MINI grant calls: Confirmed information about the grant calls, e.g., no paper is needed; interdisciplinary projects are welcomed.
    • What is RRI?
      • RRI as a Policy framework and online process
      • RRI Funding opportunities
      • Example: EPSRC’s (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council) ARME approach
      • RRI discourse: 4 issues, 8 means and 9 requirements
      • Triple Bottom Line and 17 Sustainable Development Goals by the United Nations
    • RRI working group online workshop:
      • Xinya shared information on the design of the RRI online workshop and asked for support from group members to recruit participants.
      • The workshop will be held in early September.
    • Share thoughts, ideas and collaboration opportunities.
      • Oscar Zhou (guest) shared ideas for collaboration on potential and future RRI projects.
        • There is a lot of overlap between the ECR group and the RRI group. Younger practitioners are more aware of social responsibility issues. We could collaborate in the future. Potential topic: what does sustainability mean to practitioners at different career stages.
        • The ECR group has an idea about how to use creative digital storytelling to address different issues. This is an opportunity to work with RRI group members.
        • A member of the ECR group would like to create a TikTok and Douyin toolkit for creative practitioners. This is also an opportunity to collaborate with RRI group members.
        • Oscar welcomes any collaboration opportunities related to media production and the media industry.
        • Collaborative funding opportunities (e.g. £15,000 grants) are available at the University of Kent. Please contact Oscar for information.
      • Yujia Huang shared her current UK-China cultural exchange project (i.e. DESIGN FOR HERITAGE) experience.
        • The project is a collaboration between the University of Dundee and Hunan Museum Cultural and Creative Product Design team. The focus is, through the cultural and creative product design, to link the two areas between China (Changsha, Hunan province) and UK (Dundee). The project explores how Hunan culture and the image of Changsha are delivered and spread through cultural and creative products and all kinds of forms of media and how Dundee, as the only UNESCO City of Design in the UK, can spread Scottish culture and the image of Dundee city.
        • Changsha will put a huge amount of effort into developing the AI industry and the media industry. Changsha wants to break the conventional image as a place of delicious food and the hometown of Chairman Mao. They want to let people know that the media industry in Changsha is booming. Yujia and her project partners identified potential collaboration projects (e.g., game and AI) for future collaboration and development.
        • Please feel free to contact Yujia about her current and potential future projects. Collaborations are welcome.